Sensor Data Visualization and Streaming

Jun 19, 2023·
Kshitij Pawar
Kshitij Pawar
· 2 min read
Image credit: Unsplash

Github Link

Table of Contents

Sensor Data Visualization and Streaming

Website hosted on Firebase


A data collection application which can be used to record sensors and GPS onboard smartphones for smart visualization and detection of anomalies or events


This project comprises two applications:

  1. Flutter Mobile App: A mobile application built using Flutter to monitor and record sensor data (accelerometer and gyroscope) and stream it to Firebase Realtime Database.
  2. React JS Web App: A web application built using React JS to view and chart the recorded sensor data from Firebase Realtime Database.

Flutter Mobile App


  • Sensor Data Visualization:

    • One screen displays the accelerometer and gyroscope data.
    • Data is charted using a custom painter class for dynamic visualization.

      Custom Painter class for viz.

  • Data Recording and Streaming:

    • Records sensor values (accelerometer and gyroscope).
    • Streams the recorded data to Firebase Realtime Database in real-time.

    Dialog box for streaming Statusfor streaming


Installation and Setup

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd Sensors-App/flutter-sensors-app
  2. Install Dependencies:

    flutter pub get
  3. Run the App:

    flutter run


  • Ensure you have the correct Firebase configuration in lib/firebase_options.dart. You can create one on Firebase console for free.
  • Update your pubspec.yaml file with necessary dependencies.

React JS Web App


  • Data Visualization:
    • Reads accelerometer and gyroscope data from Firebase Realtime Database.
    • Uses Chart.js to visualize the recorded sensor data in real-time.

    React webapp homepage Charts page

Installation and Setup

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd Sensors-App/react-webapp
  2. Install Dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Run the App:

    npm start


  • Ensure you have the correct Firebase configuration in src/FirebaseSettings.js.

Future To-Dos

  1. Enhance Mobile App:

    • Add more sensors and data visualization screens.
    • Implement offline data storage and sync when the network is available.
  2. Improve Web App:

    • Add user authentication for secure data access.
    • Implement data export functionality (CSV, Excel).
    • Enhance data visualization with more chart options and customization.
  3. General Improvements:

    • Optimize data streaming and database interactions.
    • Improve the user interface and user experience across both apps.
    • Conduct extensive testing and bug fixing.


Contributions are welcome! Please fork this repository and submit pull requests.


See the LICENSE file for details.


For any queries or suggestions, please contact